Franklin Applauds House Passage of Critical Defense Bill

Rep. Scott Franklin (FL-15) applauded passage of the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This critical bill will strengthen national security, includes a pay raise for our military, and equips our military with needed resources to counter threats posed by our adversaries. Franklin, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, secured 15 critical provisions in the final bill.

“As a former Naval Aviator, I’m proud to serve on a committee that places America’s national security above partisan infighting,” said Rep. Franklin. “I’m pleased my House colleagues supported my efforts to increase funding for our rare earths stockpile, push back against the Chinese Communist Party’s human rights abuses, enhance the Department of Defense’s cybersecurity, and fund the KC-46 refueling tanker program, among others. This bill also includes $37 billion in additional funding over the Biden Administration’s request, which is desperately needed to counter inflation and the growing threats posed by Russia and China. I look forward to Senate consideration of this critical bill and its eventual signing by the President.”

Key amendments and provisions Franklin secured in the overall NDAA include:

  • An amendment to increase funding for the rare earth National Defense Stockpile (NDS). The NDS ensures that the Department of Defense can access key rare earths materials necessary to maintain readiness and reduce supply chain disruption. This amendment is based on a letter Reps. Franklin and Seth Moulton (MA-06) sent to the House Committee on Appropriations in April urging an increase in funding for the NDS, which is currently at critically low levels.
  • An amendment to prohibiting the Chinese Communist Party from participating in the Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) military exercise until it ceases human rights violations in China. The RIMPAC exercise is considered one of the largest and most important military exercises in the world. The amendment is based on a bill introduced by Rep. Franklin in May 2021.
  • Additional funding for airborne augmented reality, ensuring our pilots can train like they fight.
  • Funding for cyber resiliency and cybersecurity policy in the Department of Defense.
  • Support for the KC-46 Tanker Program.
  • Resources for the Marine force-on-force modernization program.
  • Funding for the Tactically Responsive Launch program.
  • A provision directing the Department of Defense (DoD) to take a software first approach to advanced technology development.
  • A requirement for the DoD to provide independent testing and validation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems, ensuring they execute their tasks in the way there were designed.
  • A provision supporting the continuation of the Live Virtual Constructive Training Program.
  • A clarification of the role of health care providers and their accreditation required to perform their duties on military installations as contractors.
  • A provision expressing support for the Global Enhanced Geospatial Intelligence Delivery, which provides commercial GEOINT to the U.S. government.
  • A provision directing the DoD to continue its research and application of graphite foam enhancements in the Special Operations community.
  • A provision which would require the DoD to develop a plan to provide reservists with a DD-214 or equivalent legal document before separation from the military.
  • A provision ensuring recommendations from the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence were authorized.