Franklin Condemns Bidens Taxpayer-Funded Student Loan Bailout

| Posted in Press Releases
Tags: Education

Representative Scott Franklin issued the following statement after the White House announced its plan for a taxpayer-funded student loan bailout: “Joe Biden’s illegal student loan bailout will come at the expense of the vast majority of hardworking taxpayers who do not have student loan debt. This reckless and costly decision will continue to fuel the runaway inflation caused…

Franklin Leads Effort to Demand Answers from Department of Education on Advisory Board Selection

| Posted in Press Releases
Tags: Education

Representative Scott Franklin (FL-15) led a letter with 17 House colleagues asking the Department of Education to provide details on the criteria and selection process for members of the National Parents and Families Engagement Council. The NPFEC was created to facilitate dialogue between parents and educators, but the Department only selected board members from ideologically friendly…