WASHINGTONRepresentative Franklin (R-FL) issued the following statement regarding House passage of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act:

“Ending violence against women should never be a partisan issue. Sadly, a critical priority that has long been addressed in a thoughtful, bipartisan way has now been coopted by the far left. Democrats have again fast-tracked a bill to the House floor bypassing the proper committee process that allows amendments and thoughtful debate. ­­This lack of transparency is a huge disservice to the American people and will have potentially negative impacts on victims of abuse. These harmful provisions include:

          - Reducing funds set aside for combatting violent crimes, negatively impacting law enforcement’s ability to respond properly.

          - Promoting “restorative practices” requiring victims to confront their abuser face-to-face rather than therapy under the care of a certified clinician.

“Additionally, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, which is intended to protect survivors of stalking and domestic abuse, denies faith-based exemptions for grant recipients, prohibiting religious organizations from running shelters and legal aid centers based on their conscience and sincerely held beliefs—which could force many help centers to close.

“Congress must work to provide thoughtful solutions to help vulnerable women. That’s why I support H.R. 1892, the Violence Against Women Extension Act, which reinstates key programs and ensures that women receive needed help rather than this radical agenda proposed by Democrats. I urge my Senate colleagues to reject this liberal proposal.” 
