WASHINGTON—U.S. Representative Scott Franklin (R–FL) voted in opposition to H.R. 1280, the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. If passed, the Democrat bill would place burdens on police officers as they attempt to conduct their duties safely and effectively. By completely eroding necessary legal protections such as qualified immunity, officers will be discouraged from taking necessary, lawful steps to keep their communities safe.

“Instead of working with Republicans to produce bipartisan legislation that would positively impact communities of color, the Democrats have chosen to rush another partisan bill through,” said Franklin. “I support efforts to make thoughtful reforms that will increase transparency, accountability and the performance of our law enforcement community; however, we must work in a bipartisan way to address these issues. That’s why I co-sponsored the JUSTICE Act, which would provide needed reforms that thoughtfully address issues in minority communities.”

Rep. Franklin is a proud co-sponsor of the Just and Unifying Solutions to Invigorate Communities Everywhere (JUSTICE) Act led by Rep. Pete Stauber. If passed, the JUSTICE Act would ensure police officers are better prepared to protect and care for the communities they serve. 

To view the one-pager of the JUSTICE Act, click here.
