WASHINGTON, DC- Today, Rep. Scott Franklin (FL-18) issued the following statement regarding his vote for H.R. 8282, the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act, which he cosponsored:

“The International Criminal Court (ICC)  filing charges against Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant is as ridiculous as it is hypocritical. Hamas caused this war and the resulting carnage.  Israel is simply defending itself. Where are the charges for the Iran-backed terrorists who butchered 1,200 and took hundreds of hostages on October 7?  

“I was pleased to cosponsor and vote for H.R. 8282 to send a clear message that we support Israel.  The bill will require the President to impose sanctions on anyone engaged in or aiding in ICC cases against Netanyahu and Gallant. It will also ensure U.S. funding will never flow to the ICC.

“I urge the Senate and White House to move quickly. If the President stands in the way, it’s another clear example of his undue scrutiny toward Israel, caring more about the radical progressives in his party than supporting our ally."
