WASHINGTON, DC - Rep. Scott Franklin (FL-18) issued the following statement regarding his vote for a formal impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden:

 "I strongly support an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden.  The House Judiciary and Oversight Committee’s investigations have uncovered official bank records, personal communications and the testimony of credible whistleblowers that prove President Biden lied to the American people about his knowledge and the extent of his involvement in his family’s foreign influence peddling scheme.  Despite mounting evidence, the Administration has dismissed these allegations out of hand with a glib “nothing to see here” and refuses to cooperate. Hunter Biden went as far as to defy a lawful subpoena for a deposition today.  That’s unacceptable. Noncompliance is not an option.  That’s why I voted for H. Res. 918 to formalize the House’s impeachment inquiry. This will further empower Congress to exercise needed oversight and compel the Administration and others to cooperate. The evidence uncovered so far is too disturbing to walk away from. When the severity of allegations rise to this level, Congress is duty bound to find answers. Americans deserve nothing less."
