Franklin Applauds Passage of 2024 WRDA
Washington, DC,
July 23, 2024
Rep. Scott Franklin issued the following statement regarding his vote in favor of the 2024 Water Resources and Development Act. The measure passed 359-13.
“Tonight’s passage of the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) is a win for Floridians and Florida’s waterways. This year’s WRDA includes important FL-18 projects I championed– like the Lake Okeechobee Watershed Restoration Project, Western Everglades Restoration Project and completion of the Lake Okeechobee Component A Reservoir or LOCAR study—all critical parts of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Project. This bill will increase transparency and cut burdensome regulation, streamlining projects that revitalize our communities and bolster our state’s economy. As Florida’s success is dependent on the health of our waterways and often faces some of the harshest weather in the country, cutting bureaucratic red tape will help keep us safe during and recover more quickly from natural disasters. I applaud the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for their hard work, and I am pleased WRDA passed tonight with broad, bipartisan support.” ###